at all points
College Counseling
“From relationship-building with students, parents, and colleges, they take the stress out of the whole process.”
The college counseling process at Watkinson is student-centered and student-led. It involves an ongoing series of interviews, discussions, and evaluations; a thorough and realistic assessment of each student’s goals, achievements, academic records, and extracurricular activities; and a powerful presentation to colleges of everything a student has to offer.
Guided by our Director of College Counseling, Emily Parker, the process seeks to empower each student to find the right match with a school that truly “fits.”
A parent says...
“We knew we wanted a student-led college process. We had heard such good things about the process at Watkinson from friends and neighbors who had children there that it really played into our decision to choose the school for our son.”
Liz Forrest, current parent, West Hartford
A college professor says...
Professor Chambers recently had two Watkinson students in one of her courses. What she observed in their abilities and behavior “was exactly what we want to see from our seniors,” Chambers says. “These students came in with those skills.”
Stephanie Chambers, current parent & Political science Professor at Trinity College
In the last three years, Watkinson graduates have been offered $7 million in merit scholarships.
Download the most current copy of our shool profile.
Alaska Pacific University (2)
Amherst College
Assumption University (2)
Bard College
Bard- Berlin
Boston College
Boston University (3)
Bowie State University
Bowling Green State University (Main Campus)
Bryant University
Central Connecticut State University (5)
Champlain College
Clark University (3)
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina University
Colby-Sawyer College
DePaul University
Drew University
Drexel University (5)
Eastern Connecticut State University (2)
Eckerd College (2)
Elon University (2)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Arizona)
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Endicott College (3)
Fairfield University
Flagler College
Florida Institute of Tech
Fordham University (7)
George Mason University
George Washington University (2)
Gettysburg College
Gonzaga University
Hampton University (2)
High Point University (5)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges (3)
Hofstra University
Howard University (2)
James Madison University
Johnson & Wales University (Providence)
Keene State College (3)
Kenyon College (2)
Keystone College
Lasell University
Lehigh University
Lewis & Clark College
Long Island University (Post) (2)
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola University Maryland
Lynn University (3)
Macalester College (2)
Mains College of Art and Design
Manhattan College
Marymount Manhattan College (2)
Mass Art
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Miami University (Oxford)
Monmouth University
Morgan State University
New England College
New York University
Nichols College (2)
Northeastern University (2)
Nova Southeastern University
Oklahoma City University
Pace University (New York City) (2)
Penn State University (University Park) (2)
Providence College (4)
Quinnipiac University (4)
Regis College
Rhode Island College (2)
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University (3)
Rutgers University (Camden & New Brunswick) (3)
Sacred Heart University
Saint Anselm College
Salve Regina University (2)
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College (3)
Sienna College
Simmons University (2)
Smith College
Southern Connecticut State University
Springfield College
St John’s MD
St Mary’s College of Maryland
Stonehill College
Susquehanna University
Syracuse University (2)
Temple University (2)
Texas A&M
The University of Tampa
Trinity College
Tufts University
UC- Davis
Union College (2)
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut (18)
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Hartford (8)
University of Maryland (College Park)
University of Massachusetts (Amherst) (2)
University of Massachusetts (Boston)
University of Minnesota
University of New England
University of New Haven (2)
University of Oregon (2)
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh)
University of Rhode Island (4)
University of Rochester
University of Saint Joseph
University of Vermont (6)
Vassar College
Washington College
Wesleyan University (2)
Western Michigan University
Western New England University (4)
Westfield State University (2)
Wheaton College – MA
Williams College
Xavier University (3)
Yale University
American University
Bard College (3)
Barry University
Bates College
Bentley University
Berklee College of Music
Bethune-Cookman University
Boston College (2)
Boston University (3)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University (Main Campus)
Brandeis University
Brown University
Bryant University (2)
Central Connecticut State University (4)
Champlain College (4)
Chapman University
Clark University (2)
Clemson University
Colgate University
Connecticut College (3)
Cornell University (3)
CT State Community College (3)
Dickinson College
Dynamy Program then Maine College of Art & Design
Eastern Connecticut State University (5)
Elon University- Bridge Program
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emory University
Endicott College (2)
Fairfield University
Fordham University
George Mason University
George Washington University
Hamilton College
High Point University
Hofstra University
Howard University
Ithaca College
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Wales University, Providence (3)
Kettering University
LIM College
Loyola University New Orleans
Lynn University (2)
Macalester College
Manhattan College
Marist College (2)
Marquette University
Middlebury College (3)
Mount Holyoke College
Muhlenberg College
New York University (2)
Nichols College
Northeastern University (2)
O’Sullivan College of Quebec
Oberlin College (2)
OCAD University
Ohio State University-Main Campus (2)
Oklahoma City University
Pace University (Westchester)
Providence College (4)
Queens University of Charlotte
Rhode Island School of Design (2)
Rochester Institute of Technology (4)
Roger Williams University (2)
Sacred Heart University (4)
Saint Anselm College
Saint Michael’s College
Salve Regina University
Savannah College of Art and Design
Siena College
Skidmore College
Smith College (2)
Southern Connecticut State University
Springfield College
St. Lawrence University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stonehill College
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Syracuse University (2)
Temple University (4)
The College of Wooster
The University of Tampa
Trinity College (4)
Tufts University (2)
Union College
University of California-Davis
University of California-Irvine (4)
University of California, San Diego
University of Connecticut (10)
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Hartford (10)
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign (2)
University of Maine
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Miami (2)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Mississippi
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of North Carolina Wilmington
University of Rhode Island
University of Rochester (3)
University of Saint Joseph
University of Vermont (3)
University of Wisconsin-Madison (2)
Virginia Tech
Wagner College
Wesleyan University (3)
Western New England University
Westfield State University
William & Mary
William & Mary/University of St. Andrews
Williams College
Xavier University
Yale University (2)
Want to know more about college counseling at Watkinson?