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Freshly Squeezed

...because everyone loves a juicy conversation

Watkinson School presents

We're Counting On Young People To Change The World

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Community Dinner 5:30pm • Panel Discussion 7:00-8:30pm

at Watkinson School, 180 Bloomfield Avenue, Hartford.

How often do you hear this undeserved burden laid on young people? Yet, something’s got to give — environmentally, economically, interpersonally — and young people will play an important part. What skills will be essential for them to lead, make change, and play the role they can to heal systemic issues? Who is helping them to develop these skills? Young people are powerful and perhaps the world’s greatest asset. Together, let’s examine what happens when organizations get serious about educating young people to be smart, have courage, and lead boldly, with heart.

Beth Bye

Facilitated by Connecticut’s Commissioner on Early Childhood.

Jackie Santiago Nazario

A champion for youth equity, a dynamic youth development trainer, and CEO of Compass Youth Collaborative.

Teri Schrader

Nationally regarded expert in progressive schooling and Watkinson’s Head of School.

Yolande Spears

Veteran Arts-in-Education professional and SVP of Education at The Bushnell.

$25 for Dinner and Panel Discussion
$10 for just the Panel Discussion

Forums are at 7pm and are preceded by an optional pre-show light meal at 5:30pm prepared by Chef Jon Birney.

All events are held in the Foisie Family Amphitheater at Watkinson School. Seating is very limited and general admission, so order today!

Proceeds from the evening support the education program at Hartford Stage.

Freshly Squeezed  is sponsored by

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The History of Freshly Squeezed

Watkinson School gratefully acknowledges Colin McEnroe as the curator and facilitator of Freshly Squeezed forums from 2013-2020. Following the pandemic, Dennis House facilitated the first forum back in our amphitheater in 2022.

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