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Individual strengths
and needs

Learning Skills Program

“The reason I work at Watkinson is the continuous exploration of how to include and celebrate all kinds of minds.”

Downey Knapp, LSP Director

The Learning Skills Program for grades 6–12/PG offers an individualized program of supplementary academic services. Our goal is to help every student become a self-advocate through an understanding of individual strengths and needs, and to successfully compensate if a deficiency may not be overcome. Sessions with an education specialist (either one-on-one or small group) take place during a student’s study halls. Options include instruction in study and organization techniques (learning strategies), written expression, reading comprehension, reinforcement of basic mathematics, specific course tutorials, and/or comprehensive curriculum management.

LSP instruction coordinates with the regular school curriculum, encouraging direct application of learning techniques. In some circumstances the education specialists may help to develop curriculum and team-teach specific concepts.

Education specialists communicate frequently with faculty and parents to make this outstanding program successful. All students receive comprehensive reports each trimester and those in individualized courses for credit receive letter and effort grades.

Because this service is supplementary to the regular college preparatory program, it carries a fee beyond regular tuition.

Picture of Downey Knapp

Downey Knapp

Director of the Learning Skills Program
(860) 236-5618 x124

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