Watkinson School, a co-ed independent private day school for grades 6-12/PG, is pleased to announce that our Watkinson Environmental Coalition has undertaken the task of changing the Connecticut state insect from the non-native European Mantis to a native species. Eleventh grader Kate B-W. ’25 is the student leader of our environmental club, Watkinson Environmental Coalition, and the driving force behind the vote’s success. More than 1,500 people have already voted.
Kate says, “We encourage everyone to participate and to share this survey. Anyone who lives in Connecticut (including college students who go to school outside of Connecticut) can vote.” More information on the insects, as well as the process is available on the voting form. Voting ends on Tuesday, 12/19/2023. Once a winner is identified, all of the Watkinson Environmental Coalitions research will be given to Representative Mike Demicco by January, and he is then going to write it into a bill. From there, Representative Demicco will work to get the bill a hearing and vote.