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Private School Debate Team Returns.


Watkinson’s international, award-winning debate team is looking for new members! This activity welcomes all Watkinson students, both Upper and Middle Schoolers and introverts and extroverts alike. We are offering two week-long virtual morning programs this summer during the weeks of June 26th and July 10th and an option for once-a-week virtual summer classes for students of all experience levels. For over a decade, Watkinson has partnered with Westfield Academy, a local community debate school to make this amazing extracurricular activity available to our students. Debate helps create global citizens, lifelong learners, and leaders. It helps students become strong public speakers and analytical thinkers, develop a broad and deep interdisciplinary knowledge base, and keep up on current events. Plus it is a lot of fun! Students have the opportunity to participate in regional, national, and even international debate competitions.

Highly Successful

In past years, Watkinson students have won multiple international debate competitions including at Yale, UPenn, and McGill; four Watkinson students qualified for the National High School Parliamentary Finals; three have been ranked the top 10 in the country; and one student won the entire International Public Policy Forum competition. Come to a virtual info session on 6/8 or 6/15 at 7 p.m. or on 6/13 at 8:30 a.m. Download the flyer here.

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