While still thriving at school.
Watkinson’s Class of 2022 accumulated an extraordinarily impressive list of college acceptances.
The 52 members of the Class of 2022 received 121 merit scholarship offers totaling $2.5 million for their freshman years. Despite the hardships associated with the last two years of the COVID-19 Pandemic, this class has not only thrived but also made Watkinson a better private school.
At her recent Commencement address, Head of School Teri Schrader said, “This is a class, filled with students, who, from their earliest days together, and with each passing year, has left us marveling at their capacity for fulfilling the obligations set out for them by their teachers, their school and community. They have distinguished themselves by capably and respectfully tending to every obligation, every due date, and every requirement, while also moving seamlessly and with determination to redefine what it means to be a class. When the rules went out the window on March 23, 2020, this class learned to improvise.
“They looked around, listened carefully, and ascended to the situation at this moment. They figured out how to hold onto each other when confinement at home came at the precise moment they most wanted out of the house? They found ways to return to campus and work and play together without self-pity or bitterness. The Class of 2022, has changed our school with their collective learning, their collective being. They took senior projects, something invented by adults, and completely and utterly inhabited them with original ideas and energy, imprinting that on your younger classmates. They showed us the difference between being on a team versus true teammates, because whether on the field or the court, on stage, or in class, they were true and devoted friends to one another in shared challenges and in their sweetest victories and successes. They said yes to everything we could think of to build community, and then dazzled us by inventing more and even better things to do right up through these very last days of the year.”
Watkinson School salutes the Class of 2022 for their extraordinary resolve, love of learning, and gritty inventiveness. Congratulations on a job well done.
To see the principles of Watkinson private school in action, please schedule a private tour or sign up for an info session.