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Justice Mullins speaks to private school students at CT Supreme Court On Circuit Program

CT Supreme Court Offers Incredible Learning Opportunity

On Wednesday, March 27, the CT Supreme Court’s “On Circuit” program came to Watkinson. Annually, the court selects a location at which to hear arguments, with the goal of educating students about the role and responsibilities of the Judicial branch of our government and specifically the appellate system through this interactive and engaging real-life experience. The court heard two cases, one criminal and one civil, and the students were allowed to ask questions of the attorneys after the cases were presented. Watkinson offers profound thanks to Justice Raheem Mullins ’97 for making this possible. 

Head of School Teri Schrader greeted the students and community members in attendance, conveying that the day was a chance for Watkinson’s students to get close to the practices of democracy. She cautioned attendees to remember that when the practices of government feel remote, cynicism can emerge.  Schrader was thrilled that Watkinson hosted the CT Supreme Court and that our students got to see them work and understand the judicial process anew.  

About their visit, numerous representatives of the court remarked on the rapt attentiveness of Watkinson’s students, most notably Justice Mullins. Chief Justice Richard Robinson remarked that the day was “a very proud homecoming for Justice Mullins who speaks highly of Watkinson and it’s easy to see why.” 

Prior to hearing the first case, Justice Mullins ‘97 brought greetings including a reflection on his time at Watkinson. “Watkinson believed in me enough to get me here, and the experience I had here was second to none.” See the complete opening remarks by Ms. Schrader, Chief Justice Robinson, and Justice Mullins here.

The event was preceded by a breakfast with the justices where students, faculty, alumni, and trustees were able to greet and speak with the visiting Justices.

See the full CT-N recordings of the two cases here: Criminal Case, Civil Case

Watkinson School has been providing educational excellence in Hartford since 1881. To learn more, schedule a visit!

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