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Return of the Hog River Review

After a brief respite caused by the pandemic, the Hog River Review (HRR) has returned.  Begun in the early 1990s as a student-led literary magazine, and evolving into a full-color literary and arts magazine in the early 2000s, the HRR ceased publication from 2020-2023. This year, sophomore Landon S. decided to take on the challenge of reinventing the HRR as an independent project. Working with advisor, Arts Department Chair Stacy Donovan, Landon has created a web-based version of the HRR found at hogriver.watkinson.org.  

Miss Donovan noted, “I am thrilled with Landon’s passion for this project.  It is marvelous to have the Hog River Review back in this accessible format.  The Arts at Watkinson have a twofold mission: Nurture emerging artists and provide our community with a rich array of visual and performing arts so that they may become educated patrons of the arts.  The online portfolio serves this mission beautifully.  For this I say, thank you Landon.”

Landon collaborated with numerous faculty members and learned a great deal along the way. Network and Database Administrator Tom Gromak worked with Landon to make smart choices about how and where to best host the site. Director of Communication Jenni French helped Landon conceptualize the project and scaffold the submission and review process. Graphic Designer Jenny Katz-Brandoli taught Landon the ins and outs of WordPress and helped him learn key tenets of designing for the web, including how you create a site that can have future editions. Donovan advised Landon as he recruited peers who helped him adjudicate the work that was submitted to determine readiness for publishing. 

The site was launched in time for Watkinson’s annual Fringe Festival. Landon says, “This project has not only taught me skills for creating and designing a website but also life skills. I have learned that if I put my mind to something I can get it done. Even if there are many roadblocks, I can still push through. I’m so grateful to be at Watkinson because so many teachers have supported me and helped me get to a place where I can say I created a website.”

Landon is already making plans to do a fall edition of the HRR.

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